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Total VPN

Issues with Total VPN

As there are many moving parts to what makes a VPN work as a service there are many reasons why the Total VPN service may not be reachable for you to use.

To make sure your internet uses the VPN connection make sure you close any applications and web browsers you are wanting to use the VPN before you connect and re-open them after connecting.

We've produced these troubleshooting steps which will either fix your issue or point you in the right direction to getting it resolved.

Change VPN Protocol

TIP: The protocol can be thought of the type of language the software uses. This may help it work with different devices.

To change protocol:

  • Open the TotalAV Application

  • Click the Settings Icon

  • Change VPN Protocol to the Other Options Available

  • IKEv2

  • OpenVPN (UDP)

  • OpenVPN(TCP)

Now try connecting to the VPN trying each protocol until it works.

Try another location

Try another server location - this will rule out if there was an issue with a particular location.

If the other server works, use that. If there is an issue with the other server, it may become resolved from any time between the next 5 minutes to 24 hours.

Rebooting Devices

Rebooting both your Internet Router and the Device may help as it will clear their memory and restart their processes.

  • Turn off your Device
  • Turn off your Internet Router
  • Wait 30 seconds
  • Turn on your Internet Router
  • Wait another 30 seconds
  • Turn on your Device
  • Load TotalAV and try connecting to the VPN.

    Enable VPN Passthrough

    Your router may have VPN Passthrough Disabled.

    Every router and manufacturer will have a different way to enable VPN Passthrough, so please check the manual of your router, check the website, or contact your Router's Support Team.

    Check another Internet Connection

    If you are able, checking another internet connection will help you identify if the issue is with the network. If there is an issue you will need to contact the owner or service provider.

    Contact the Network Owner

    It is possible for schools, places of work or other public or private networks to disable the use of VPN connections.

    If you own the connection, you will need to speak to your Internet Service Provider for additional support and ensure they allow VPN Passthrough on their connections.

    Try another location

    Try another server location - this will rule out if there was an issue with a particular location.

    If the other server works, use that. If there is an issue with the other server, it may become resolved from any time between the next 5 minutes to 24 hours.


    Rebooting both your Internet Router and the Device may help as it will clear their memory and restart their processes.

  • Turn off your Device
  • Turn off your Internet Router
  • Wait 30 seconds
  • Turn on your Internet Router
  • Wait another 30 seconds
  • Turn on your Device
  • Load TotalAV and try connecting to the VPN.

    Enable VPN Passthrough

    Your router may have VPN Passthrough Disabled.

    Every router and manufacturer will have a different way to enable VPN Passthrough, so please check the manual of your router, check the website, or contact your Router's Support Team.

    Check another Internet Connection

    If you are able, checking another internet connection will help you identify if the issue is with the network. If there is an issue you will need to contact the owner or service provider.

    Contact the Network Owner

    It is possible for schools, places of work or other public or private networks to disable the use of VPN connections.

    If you own the connection, you will need to speak to your Internet Service Provider for additional support and ensure they allow VPN Passthrough on their connections.

    Try another location

    Try another server location - this will rule out if there was an issue with a particular location.

    If the other server works, use that. If there is an issue with the other server, it may become resolved from any time between the next 5 minutes to 24 hours.


    Rebooting both your Internet Router and the Device may help as it will clear their memory and restart their processes.

  • Turn off your Device
  • Turn off your Internet Router
  • Wait 30 seconds
  • Turn on your Internet Router
  • Wait another 30 seconds
  • Turn on your Device
  • Load TotalAV and try connecting to the VPN.

    Enable VPN Passthrough

    Your router may have VPN Passthrough Disabled.

    Every router and manufacturer will have a different way to enable VPN Passthrough, so please check the manual of your router, check the website, or contact your Router's Support Team.

    Check another Internet Connection

    If you are able, checking another internet connection will help you identify if the issue is with the network. If there is an issue you will need to contact the owner or service provider.

    Contact the Network Owner

    It is possible for schools, places of work or other public or private networks to disable the use of VPN connections.

    If you own the connection, you will need to speak to your Internet Service Provider for additional support and ensure they allow VPN Passthrough on their connections.

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